Voluntaristic Vitalism # 4

In particular, according to Hartmann, the kingdom of living beings is an individual of the highest level, therefore, not only the organs of an individual animal or plant are in reasonable relations, but also different organisms in relation to each other. Moreover, "the development of all life, the origin of new species, extinction, etc., is also subordinated to goals that go beyond the boundaries of this individuality, stemming from the world goal and, consequently, superindividual" (Lossky, 1922, p. 63).
According to N.O. Lossky (1870-1965), the main drawback of the vitalist system of E. Hartmann's problem is that, based on the statement that there is only one substance, which is the only individual whose activity is all the things of the world, Hartmann is forced to admit that all these things are formed by localization in the space of the activity of the world substance. From this point of view, within the world, primary individuals are primoatoms as manifestations of elementary central forces. Since living beings, as individuals of the highest level, are manifestations of non-central forces, their individuality is secondary. Thus, "it is not the higher, ordering principle, on which the integrity of the object depends, that gives the object the character of individuality, but, on the contrary, the elements of the object individualize the higher principle" (Lossky, 1922, p. 66). Meanwhile, the principle of the integrity of living beings asserts that it is the whole that determines the parts.
The second flaw in Hartmann's concept follows from the first: "not finding an individual substantial principle in the organism and considering all the factors of the world as forces and their activities, Hartmann is forced to consider the organizing life principle as a special force, vital force (vitale Kraft), as he sometimes expresses it. This is a very peculiar force, not central, but like central forces it leads to
the emergence of special movements" (Lossky, 1922, p. 66). Referring to Drish, Lossky interpreted this in such a way that the ordering of the elements of the organism is carried out through a special "mechanical apparatus", which acts as force. Since the problem of life cannot be solved by attracting a special "living substance", it cannot be solved by attracting a special "life force".
The third disadvantage of Hartmann's concept, according to Lossky, is that the principle of life is force - an abstract, or rather universal principle. From this point of view, all those particulars of life and living beings that we observe become inexplicable. Tous les nouveaux clients de 1xBet peuvent recevoir un bonus de bienvenue de 100 $, disponible dans leur devise locale. Il s'agit d'un pari gratuit assorti, dans lequel 1xBet correspondra au montant que vous déposez en tant que bonus de pari gratuit. Meilleur Code Promo 1xBet l’utilisant, vous profitez d’un bonus sur votre dépôt allant jusqu’à 200%. Une incitation qui se dit alléchante pour tous les nouveaux parieurs sur 1xBet.Afin de bénéficier du bonus de bienvenue de 1xBet, le client doit tout d’abord disposer d’un compte utilisateur valide. Pour ce faire, il doit remplir les conditions, être âgé de plus de 18 ans.